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Virtual Groups for Kids/Adolescents

Education and Seminars: Service

We wanted to support our young kids and adolescents while still adhering to safe healthy practices regarding social distancing, so we have created some virtual groups for kids/adolescents. 


Please let us know if you are interested in any of these programs.


Virtual Classes during Shelter in Place!

The Shelter in Place and long distance learning has brought many challenges for families.  For many kids and adolescents, the lack of socialization and school structure/routine, is now being felt at home.  We are currently developing several Virtual Support Groups to help: 


  • Virtual Kid Chit-Chat Group (ages 6-10): children can have a space to interact and socialize with other children their age with a lead therapist to monitor and lead conversations/activities​. Cost is $120 for 6-week program ($20 per session)

    • Dates (TBD)​

Click here for topics covered in a past Chit-Chat Group 



  • Virtual Staying Healthy Teens (ages 14-18): teens are able to come together where discussions will be led by a therapist around self-care education like eating, sleeping, physical activity, and mindfulness to help them stay strong and healthy.  Cost is $180 for 6-week program ($30 per session).

    • Dates (TBD) -ongoing registration​


Click here for the Staying Healthy Teens flyer




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