Group and Support Programs
We offer social skills groups, seminars and educational programs that help strengthen our families with support and continuing education.​ Our seminars vary in topic and scope, from social skills classes for the special needs child, sibling support groups to caregiver/nanny training certification programs.
We have the following current programs. Please let us know if you are interested in any of these programs.

Social Skills Group


New Mothers Support Group
Social Skills Group
Ages 7-10
Wednesdays, 4:00 - 5:15 pm
Starting Date TBD (due to COVID)
Click flyer for more info
We are offering a 8-week social skills groups for elementary school children, ages 7-10 years old. Our goals are to teach your child social competency, increase social thinking abilities through fun and engaging interactive activities, and identify socialization gaps to better support your child to improve their daily social interactions.
Virtual Group: Courageous Kids
Anxiety Group for
Children ages 8-12
Starting September 18, 2020!
Fridays at 3:00 - 3:30 pm
Click flyer for more info
This weekly 12-session group is facilitated by a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who will
Educate children on what anxiety is
Teach different methods to cope with anxious feelings/thoughts
Build confidence through sharing and practicing new skills
Children enrolled in the group will get to practice these new skills in a safe and positive environment with peers going through similar experiences.
After each session, therapist will communicate with parents via email with a brief overview of the topics covered and give feedback on how to support and practice the new skill at home.
New Mothers Support Group
(class is temporarily on hold)
Tuesdays, 10:00 - 11:30 am
Click flyer for more info
A safe and non-judgmental space for moms to gather and share, ask, and grow together! The group is for parents with babies up to the age of 7-8 months (prior to crawling). Most babies come with mom but if your little one is elsewhere you are welcome to come.
Top reasons moms join this group:
Enjoy a cup of coffee/tea and have conversations with other adults!
Form friendships and develop new playgroups with those in the local area.
It is a valuable lifeline for new mothers, where education, resources, and skill building are offered on various issues including sleep, eating, breastfeeding, family, and healthcare.
The small groups are facilitated and guided by Jane Hendry, BS, IBCLC, CCE who has been supporting women for the last 13 years.
Now she will support you as a New Mom!

Bringing Baby Home​
Virtual Workshops
Coming Soon!
Developed by relationship and parenting experts, Dr. John and Julie Gottman, the Bringing Baby Home (BBH) is a research based workshop for expecting couples and new parents who want to learn the necessary tools to navigate parenthood together while maintaining a strong relationship.
A12-hour workshop will be offered during an intensive two-day weekend session for in-person workshops, and
over 6 days for virtual workshops.
This program is perfect for those who are:
Interested in having a baby
Pregnant or adopting
Already a parent to an infant or toddler (0-3) Click here for flyer

Virtual Classes during Shelter in Place!
The Shelter in Place and long distance learning has brought many challenges for families. For many kids and adolescents, the lack of socialization and school structure/routine, is now being felt at home. We are currently developing several Virtual Support Groups to help:
Virtual Kid Chit-Chat Group (ages 6-10): children can have a space to interact and socialize with other children their age with a lead therapist to monitor and lead conversations/activities​.
Cost is $120 for 6-week program ($20 per session)​
Session times are 30 minutes each
Virtual Staying Healthy Teens (ages 14-18): teens are able to come together where discussions will be led by a therapist around self-care education like eating, sleeping, physical activity, and mindfulness to help them stay strong and healthy. Cost is $180 for 6-week program ($30 per session).
Thursdays, 3:30 - 4:00 pm
Click here for the Staying Healthy Teens flyer